

Monday, April 1, 2024

under the feet
washed clean 
smooth stones
fill a pocket or moment or hours of awe
s l o w down
be still
know love


Friday, March 1, 2024


There is something so hauntingly gorgeous in the witnessing of dying flowers: beauty surrenders.
Dropping petals and pieces, smells are pungent, carry memories of ones gone before. 
With the fading comes a softness: a gentle reminder of what one day shall be:
the giving back, the letting go, the last dance, the final fare thee well. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

February 2024 


The four directions placed themselves, and I thought of the father, sun, sons, and ghosts. The woods called my name, and I raised my head and listened. No wind, only soft words coming from my heart. And still, I know I am an orphan to the ferns and spider webs. I am lost and found. Saved. 

And searching. xo