as february begins to wind itself down and the next page
says march
i am thankful for so many things
and people in my life and heart
and for the vast opportunities
to continue learning;
about myself
and about community
and conversation
and also in
the art and act
of being quiet and still
beside me six shelves of books
that i think of as a new morning,
the way it feels and looks
like a dozen fresh and cracked eggs
swimming in a clear glass bowl
yet somehow clear
colorless but for
a yellow streak
that reaches its fingers
out to wake me
words and thoughts;
blue pastures
psalms for praying
eyes to see otherwise
all this in the house of belonging
all this bringing me to
sweet tears
when we arrived 'home'
last night it was with the
the sound and look
of a pair of owl wings,
and then the
high pitched scream
of the wild mother chicken...
her sadness was so complete
and heard
it feel into my breath
and bones
all night i slept
with her
in my thoughts
and dreams
and the thought
of the rooster,
wondering how
he could ever
console her
his poor helpless arms
too short
to wrap around her...
and this morning
he still was the one
to announce
this new day