what color our skin
the light that covers the darkness is as real as the skin that covers my bones.
what time, when, did this take place?
when did my blood become my own?
pulsating beneath the pale onion skin that held me folded like a road map,
blue lines. red lines.
i've heard it said that we do not choose which country we are born into,
what color our skin, how much, how little we will have, we will become.
each leaf that is caught in the wind and dances i do not ask why that one?
is one holier than another?
i don't believe mystery is dark.
i don't believe god is light.
words to oppose. to divide.
why capitalize the beginning of one thought and not the next?
is one breath more important than the last?
from the second chapbook entitled the red door by me, patty joslyn
give thanks xo
Just about time to wish everyone a healthy, happy, peaceful and loving new year. xo
I am creating this site to share some of my own writings, among other things...photos and whatever else rises to the sweet surface.
Now that I have created 5 chapbooks* from some of my work, and am much more comfortable doing readings* I am hoping to be able to share some of what 'writes me', so keep me in mind if you would like to be a host, (which by the way does not have a gender...as hostess does) as I would be honored. I do have copies and I do sell them..
*chapbooks from the dictionary is 'a small book or pamphlet containing poems, ballads, stories or religious tracts' , among the types...romantic tales of chivalry, cookbooks, guides to fortune telling and magic, religious and moral instruction, and bawdy tales...i like to believe my own include all of this and more! because I include some of my own photographs they also are thought of as 'popular prints'. A chapman was a 16th century peddler spreading words to the common people.
*readings..an official and/or public recitation of written material.
I have done many readings with groups both here in the states and in Baja California Sur, (Baja, Mexico) and have been the solo featured reader at the Saturday Afternoon Club in Ukiah, California and most recently here in Montpelier at Westview Meadows. xo