

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

we are into a new season..

jeweled colors,
thick chewy morning fog,
and flannel sheets on the bed...

it is almost my mama's birthday
she loves hydrangeas the best
she loves sweater-weather and knitting.
she loves me, my sisters, my dad,
the dog named angel.
she loves her grand children.

she loves to be new places but not the getting there...


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

my aunt lily

masters everywhere and you put your finger on your lip and shush one than the other.
i want to tell you how it is i do not care one way or the other.
you can’t take the rising of the morning nor the setting of the sun to or from any one at all.
my aunt lily went blind at age 9, she took those images with her to the keys on the piano,
to the bones of our faces, to the nap of each fabric.
she knew us like most never would.
hers the softest hands, slow like new love and velvet.
she lived with two men.
her brother, sammy, whose one ear almost touched his shoulder, a bend that i’ve only seen
once before on the skinny man who helped to park the cars at the market.
it almost made me stand up, sit up straighter.
the other man was her sweet husband, my sweet uncle rolly. he held out both hands when he saw one of us coming. every single time.
their house was small and tidy and everything made sense.
it smelled like vanilla and love.
after them i never wanted to go back to church, never wanted to kneel, stand, sit, kneel,
just because i was suppose to.

it's mid-summer, my summer is in bloom...

Monday, April 18, 2011

hola xo
one never knows where one
will find the sacred..

or the sunshine!

we are back from our time in pescadero..
back to vermont
and its lazy
spring time..
lazy as in slow
to lift its winter veil..

surprises seen each day

tulips poking out where
the tiger lillies are just beginning to rise!