the flowers putting themselves to rest for the upcoming winter months,
the birds flying off to warmer waters and us going a bit deeper within.
it's been a time of passings and of carrying on..
the both/and of life and love.
i have had the recent honor to be, once again, wintess to the process of a dear one as she moved from this world into the next, i like to think of her, norma, now with the crows she so loved. circling and singing.
i am walking, writing, wondering, re-learning just where and what my center might indeed be.
larry and i celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary last week, we had every intention to head to the coast for an overnight, the timing didn't work out, but we still aim to sit soon near the ocean and remember and feels it's rhythm.
the kids all seem pretty darn good, even us being back here in vermont and seeing jesse, dylan and thea quite often xo i still miss them in ways that i find is hard to understand; the thens and memories, the 'need' we had for one another, and yet too i love to see them becoming more fully who they each are. clay; i miss his smile and strong sweet presence and it's also good he seems to be so happy in oakland. when i lay down at night with a good book and my larry i feel very full and content. blessed. and so my days begin. xo